10 Steps to Prep for Your Next Exterior Project

  1. Establish Your Vision

Just like with any project that requires a substantial investment, it is a good first step to consider your options and decide what it is you want. If you are experiencing a particular problem you are looking to have solved, such as high energy bills, leaking roof, or difficult to maintain siding, it’s imperative to keep that in mind when selecting what you would like. If you are simply looking to improve on the appearance of your property’s exterior, you will definitely want to consider what option will require less upkeep while also adding value with product capabilities.

Many people begin the process with an exact vision of what they would like. Having a clear vision in mind can be very useful, but it is key to have a level of flexibility. Oftentimes we can get so stuck on an idea that we simply do not consider the logistics and regulations surrounding the project, which makes a little bit of give very important.

2. Research to Empower Your Choices

The next step in the process should be conducting a bit of research. If you become a bit more well versed in the products available on the market and the process of the project you are considering it will absolutely empower you in the lead up to selecting a contractor to trust with your project. 

The first item you should do some research on is the product types available on the market to see which matches your needs and desires closest. Some products are less expensive, but have significantly less features than other options on the market. There are options like James Hardie ColorPlus siding that has the color baked in to be more UV resistant and require less upkeep over its life. Another thing that’s key to research is the lifespans of different materials. Some products will have many different life spans that may be reflected in the price so it is good to know ahead of time what features a product has before making a selection. Next, it is a good practice to do some research into the return on your investment for your exterior project. Different products definitely have varying return on investments, so before you decide anything you should be considering this variable.

Next item you should look into is the style options for the products you are interested in having installed. There are siding styles that have different textures and shapes, such as wood grain, smooth, fine sand, fine sand grooved, and even more on the horizon. There are also roofing shingles that vary in shape with an amazing range of colors to choose from. Primed and pre-painted are additional siding specifications that are important to be aware of. Considering the materials that are used to create siding panels and roofing shingles, as well as the benefits they have is a good topic to have some knowledge on when making your decision. Lastly, do as much searching online as you can about the pricing of materials. This year we have seen a notable increase in material costs, so knowing what to expect for the cost of materials and the expertise required for the installation will better prepare you for setting a budget for the project. 

3.) Decide Your Budget

An average to broad idea of pricing will be a great start considering that some home service search websites have a budget space that can be filled in. Contractor’s can see that budget and even not consider bidding if the budget is too low or unrealistic as it is a selectable option for passing. Many people begin gathering quotes and get instant sticker shock from the price, so it’s best to have an idea to start. It is imperative to know what your budget is, but we highly recommend doing some research on prices in order to have a realistic budget for the project.

4.) Prioritize Your Projects

As many have experienced, sometimes multiple projects require attention simultaneously. Sometimes we get tunnel vision about making home improvements and want it all done simultaneously which can be convenient if it is doable. Home improvements can be quite a large investment and sometimes it is important to prioritize projects. Many installations can be done in tandem, but with some material delays, it might just not be possible. Make it a goal of yours to stay excited throughout the process, even if it takes a bit longer than expected.

5.) Request Quotes

Your next stage will be gathering quotes. As you begin requesting quotes from installers websites, home improvement search sites, phone calls, or however else you are reaching out, there are some important things to keep in mind. 

Canvassing or door-to-door is not uncommon for home service companies, but there are some details to know ahead of time. Stand your ground if a salesperson is trying to hardsell, you have every right to request that they leave your home if they make you at all uncomfortable. It is never okay for a salesperson to bully someone into a contract. It is a good idea to get more than one quote, so that you can compare several options. While some companies may offer you a same day signing discount, it is your prerogative to shop around. Wanting to sleep on a quote is understandable and likely to result in feeling more confident in your choice. Ask if the work is being subcontracted out, because if it is you will be charged a higher rate. 

As you are walking the project or interacting with the installation company, pay close attention to communication, as they will likely be your contact through your project. The more willing they are to answer your questions and explain things to you the smoother, more cohesive communications will make the process much better. It can be helpful to ask about timeline and back orders that may slow down the process.

Some quotes may be given in person, while others will be sent over email. It’s important to pay attention to whether or not your quote includes your contract. It is also not uncommon for your quote and contract to come through DocuSign or another online signing platform for ease of use. For example, here at Accountable Siding, we send the quote/contract via a Docusign email.

6.) Review Quotes

Not all quotes are created equal. It is very important to compare the scope of work on each quote to ensure they are uniform. Just looking at the estimated price is never enough because some will be lower when they leave out necessary aspects of the quote. We have on a number of occasions reviewed quotes clients had been provided by competitors that failed to include compulsory elements. Some things we have seen left out of quotes include, dumpster, porta-potties, waste hauling from site, and removing and reinstalling electrical just to name several. 

Another thing we have noticed in some competitor quotes are the lower grade supplies that they plan to use. Saving money by selecting lower quality supplies can cause a lot of frustration for a property owner as they will not last as long, tend to have shorter warranties, and will require substantially more maintenance. One example of opting for lower quality supplies that will undoubtedly cause future issues is using wood trim in combination with James Hardie siding. At first glance, one may not see the issue. However, that choice will then void any warranty offered by James Hardie because it is a requirement that the James Hardie system be installed completely. Additionally, the wood trim would fail typically much quicker than the siding requiring more work to be needed in a shorter span of time. Anyone who gives you a quote should be willing to explain the quote and answer any questions you have.

7.) Consider Warranties Provided

It is in a property owner’s best interest to inquire about any warranties that will apply for the project. Most times the warranty details will be available either in the quote, contract, or in a frequently asked question webpage. Different materials will come with different manufacturer warranties and even structural warranties (where applicable). Oftentimes craftsmen warranties will be offered by the installation company in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty. All these warranties are imperative to bear in mind when making your final choice on who to work with. Consider the available warranties as an added value to the price on the quotes you receive.

8.) Explore Financing Options

Exterior remodeling can come with a hefty price tag, but sometimes an issue arises that needs immediate attention to limit the damage. There are several different ways to acquire financing for your project. Many property owners go to their banks to apply for funding. Others look into the financing options offered directly through the business they are interested in contracting with since it will be paid out directly to the company. The variables that you should pay close attention to are the interest rate attached to the financing, the term of the financing, and whether or not there are any penalties for early payoff. 

9.) Select Contractor 

Now the time has come to take all the information you have gathered through the quote process. Do not forget to review the contract for any specific details that may or may not be included, such as preferred method of payment.

Consider the following questions:

  • Which company's pricing seems best? 

  • Is the price based on high quality materials?

  • Will the materials quoted give you the lifespan you are seeking?

  • Will the materials require more upkeep?

  • Who was a great communicator? 

  • Who took their time to explain anything you asked? 

  • Who offers financing, if that is of interest? 

  • Who do you trust most with your property?

10.) Sign Contract

Finally, your last step will be signing the contract for your exterior remodeling project! This is your first major step in your journey.


At this point, we believe you will be feeling empowered and confident in your selection of an installation company. Once the contract is signed, specifics are selected, and material orders are submitted, you will then get a start date.


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